Duties Of Assistant Registrar In High Court
duties of assistant registrar in high court
And be it enacted, That the Office of Registrar of the High Court of Admiralty ... an Assistant shall be necessary, personally execute the Duties thereof : Provided.... Job Description. Position Title: Deputy Registrar-Supreme Courts. Division/Section: Civil & Criminal Courts. Salary grade: A16 $45,594.00. Position Code:.. Registrar-cum-Special Officer (Liaisoning), High Court, Madras, be upgraded as Registrar ... Constitution/shifting of Courts and realignment of Courts in the State of Tamil Nadu ... OFFICERS: (Sub Assistant Registrar to Registrar General):. 1.. designated as Registrar, District Court and Deputy Registrars, District Court. ... duties in the more formalized procedural framework required of the Registrar and Deputy ... to that of the High Court to deal with interlocutory (pre-trial) matters.. Justice M.C.C. Mkandawire is a Judge of the High Court of Malawi. He is currently on secondment as Registrar to the SADC Tribunal in Windhoek, Namibia. 1.. And be it Enacted , That the office of Registrar of the High Court of Admiralty ... in case an assistant shall be necessary , personally execute the duties thereof .. BELOW THE CADRE OF DEPUTY REGISTRARS, THERE ARE 25 ASSISTANT ... FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA ARE THOSE.... Find out about the role and function of Court Registrars. ... in court, although sometimes in the High Court if the Registrar happens to also be a.... That the office of registrar of the High Court of Admiralty shall not in future be ... an assistant shall be necessary, personally execute the duties thereof: Provided.... DUTIES. REGISTRAR. Protoco I Office r-cu m-Cou rt. Keeper. Registrar shall be ... send the same to the Other High. Courts. cLERK (PROTOCOL. ASSISTANT).. Job Description: Assistant Registrar and Deputy Marshal of the Supreme. Court. Page 1. JOB TITLE: Assistant Registrar and Deputy Marshal of.... Assistant Registrar was not bound by conflicting decisions of the High Court. Judges, and therefore could rule in their favour in allowing for the WSS to be.. Position Title: Deputy Registrar & Marshal. Department: Registry. Unit: N/A ... a high level of support to the Bench in preparation for and during court sittings.. LAHORE: Lahore High Court's administration is mulling over keeping ... He said their duties were thrice as much that of assistant registrars',.... And be it enacted, That the Office of Registrar of the High Court of Admiralty ... an Assistant shall be necessary, personally execute the Duties thereof : Provided.... The registrar is a Chief Executive officer of a judicial forum. They are the in charge of the entire ... Hong Kong[edit]. The court's Registrar, Senior Deputy Registrars and Deputy Registrars serve as Masters of the High Court in civil trials in the Court of First Instance.. 161). [58/73]. Powers and duties of Registrar, Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrars.... Registrar (law) A registrar is an official in a court in charge of the registry of the court. ... Is the High Court Assistant Examination a job with good prospect?
Registrars. Sl. No. Officer. Responsibilities/Duties. Reporting. 1. Registrar ... the work of Deputy. Registrar(Judicial). General as case may be. 7. Registrar.. High court of jharkhand. ... District Courts DISTRICT COURT DATA ... 2019 (Regarding allocate/re-allocate the work/duties to Assistant Registrar ( Non-Judicial)...
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